Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Answer to Everyones question!!

To all of you that yell at me all the time for never answering my phone..Well this is one HUGE reason why. Anytime I get on the phone he gets into something! Aren't boys fun!!

Loves playing with the plates and cups!
This was the day he discovered the pantry and from the day on its been fun...

Bag of Apple Jacks! He thinks he is just so cute! Okay he is!!

This is a new thing for him to get into he likes to get it and run around the house with it.

That would be the WHOLE bad of Cheez-Its! Not only did he dump the whole thing when i went to try to pick it up he though it would be funny to grab them by handfuls and throw them all over the house! Of course that was my cleaning day and the carpets had already been vacuumed!


  1. not the cheez its!!!!

  2. This is hilarious! All that I have to look forward to with a crazy boy!!
