Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Haidyn's Doctor Seuss Party!

Okay so I'm a little behind but two weeks ago we went to Nicholle's daughters Party. She did such a cute job, the theme was Doctor Seuss! She had green eggs which were so good, a Candy table that was a huge hit!! I think the kids including Jay where there most of the time. They played games, jumped in the jumper, Desirae made them all Cotton Candy. Belle of course had such a good time hanging out with the girls and of course Jackson. They all get along so well. Belle is always so sad when we have to leave. Over all the it was a awesome day!

The Birthday girl

Landon playing with one of his favorite things a balloon!

The 2 Princesses Belle and Layla

Belle and Jackson under the parachute

Rylee, Layla, and Belle

She didn't really get the point of the game that the egg is suppose to be on the spoon not in there hands

And here are all the Mommy's


  1. It was so fun for all of us to get together, we need to do that more often. :)

  2. I am so behind on your blog. I am going to follow you so I can remember to look! It was great seeing you guys!
